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Photocopying an image over and over again produces an illusion where the image breaks up becoming void of recognisable information. Repeating the photocopying action of Victoria Beckham 840 times refers not only to the repetitive and banal tasks associated with secretaries and office workers, but also the repetitive nature of pop music, its pattern and structure. This work also references the musical work, Vexations by Erik Satie, made in 1893. The piece of music bears the inscription "In order to play the theme 840 times in succession, it would be advisable to prepare oneself beforehand, and in the deepest silence, by serious immobility’s", suggesting that one should go into a trance or meditative state – a state that one can also relate to when bored or experiencing a mindless activity.
Qhslnu4cfkwb6mgatgkupq Candice Jacobs


Work / Happiness


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