Re-filed with Catharitc Satisfaction (v2)
Jeannie Driver
2014 - 2015
120 cm x 120cm x 8cm
A collection of works. Click for images of works in series.
The main image is 120cm x 120cm. The remainder are 65cm x 65cm
This ongoing series of works, are created from shredded documents.
The production, collection and subsequent shredding is an integral part of the process of making. Leading to new orders and value.
This latest work contains layers from many previous installations as well as waste generated when working as a trustee for an arts organisation.
Re-processing waste paper for artworks represents an alternative form of data, evidence of work and traces of activity that reference quantity and time and monotony.
Signifying two sides to every story, waste paper, shredded paper and discarded material, presents the viewer with snippets of information, relating to past histories of the original paperwork. This familiar material re-presented is often tactile and humorous but aims to promote and provoke audiences with poignant references and associations.
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