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Record, Archive, Rewind

By  Elizabeth Wewiora 2016 - 2017
‘Record, Archive, Rewind’ was created in response to the recent news of the forthcoming closure and sale of Crusader Mill, current home to Rogue Artist Studios. The studio has 20-year history of occupying the Crusader Mill space, and was until May of this year my current studio base but is the building is due for development into inner city apartments, beginning work on the site later this year. The work was exhibited at the 2016 Rogue Open Studios, the last the building would ever host. The work attempts to blur the boundaries between a past and present narrative, and plays with the frictions between shifting technologies and industries that once existed within the building. As a photographer interested in the tensions between digital and analog, there is an analogy here, between labor and production – past and new. Rogue studios itself was an industrial mill building, before becoming an artist production space – albeit it a different use but still will a focus on labor and community.

C. Elizabeth Wewiora 2016

C. Elizabeth Wewiora 2016

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