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Red Sauce Brown Sauce Mania. 2018.

By  David Sherry 2013 - 2018
Red Sauce Brown Sauce Mania, 2013-2018. You arrange to meet up with your friends in a public spirited manner but then practically it seems impossible to meet up with anyone, you just want to cancel everything, there’s too much going on and now you don’t want to see anyone. But what about those plans you need to cancel. This is an improvised scripted performance about where and when I could meet a friend ‘Any time any place I’m free all the time’ and subsequently the excuses why I can’t meet ‘My parents are coming over, the dogs run away and caught fire’. I combined this with pouring red sauce and brown sauce over my face while lying on the ground shouting out this monologue. The work becomes more manic as it progresses. Squeezing the last of the plastic bottles of sauce onto my face shouting out an ever increasing set of ridiculous reasons. With my face now covered in sauce I can’t see anything and have to blindly walk off the stage. There should be a decompression tank to lie in, after a performance to prevent performers from getting the bends. Performances are always interesting like a study of yourself in an intense moment. A slightly altered you. The experience is valuable to think back over, an exaggerated version of yourself.
Oivisooxewgsf1h8n6ca David Sherry

Cleaning Change.

Playing the Map of Europe.

Electrical appliance

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