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'Remembrance'- Mapping Bones 5

'Remembrance'- Mapping Bones 5 was a drawing performance work performed at 'Draw To Perform' day of performances and workshops at Exeter Street Hall, Brighton, UK on 27th October 2019. The performance also involved a collaboration with musicians Ade Southey and Al Strachan improvising to respond to the drawing. The drawing performance is also in remembrance of my friend and dance tag-team of twenty-years who tragically passed away in August 2019. The poem was written following this tragedy: Remembrance Remembrance, An embrace of a memory. A gilt-handled casket, Or golden urn. It’s not bones we bury or burn. Remembrance, The tug-of-war tween birth and death, A snapped umbilical Unwound, undone, tied and re-hung. Remembrance The final drawing - marker pen on perspex is for sale.

Ram Samocha - edited Saranjit Birdi

Ram Samocha- edited Saranjit Birdi

Saranjit Birdi

prettier-ignore-start Juyyq4u64eyc9xgrpwnbq prettier-ignore-end Saranjit Birdi

Sculpture 'Bend To Become' selected for West Midlands Open Exhibition 2014 at Birmingham Museum and

'Drawin' on Darwin' - Live drawing created at the Meeting of the Primate Society of Great Britain

'What was, what will be'- drawing work for group exhibition 'Human Story' April 2019. Birmingham

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