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Saltworks (film)

By  Katy Beinart 2013

Katy Beinart 2013

The film documents the processes of making salt today in salinas in Portugal, one which has seen a huge decline in the last century due to new methods of preservation and industrial production. The film also considers the poetic qualities of salt production, the slowness, the technologies that have not changed, the ecosystems that are supported, and the links to culture and migration. A voice introduces links to migrations, and cultural traditions that use salt. Part of the 'Saltworks' project, which attempts to capture both the materiality, and poetics of salt. The work was made through field research in Portugal and a studio residency at Fabrica Braco de Prata in Lisbon in September 2013, and was shown at Plataforma Revolver, Lisbon from 26th September - 26th October 2013.
prettier-ignore-start Qng5dbzn0ubjlyndgaung prettier-ignore-end Katy Beinart

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