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Scaling the Heights

By  Stephen Livingstone 2017 - 2019
A complex project which seeks to promote the rich culture of mountaineering literature by recreating historic Himalayan expeditions in miniature. Working with Dr. Abbie Garrington I have spent 3 years researching and developing work which has culminated in a large scale exhibition at Durham University's Oriental Museum. The project has involved working closely with numerous institutions and agencies such as the Mountain Heritage Trust, the Royal Geographical Society, the Alpine Club, the Geological Society, Sheffield City Library, the Wordsworth Trust, the Armitt Museum and the National Library of Scotland. By videoing and photographing a pair of vintage Action Man figures climbing the bookshelves of prestigious mountaineering libraries and archives I have created a series of handmade concertina books which are exhibited with documentary materials and archived objects. The exhibition also included a performance piece with poet Helen Mort as well as numerous presentations, publicity appearances, workshops and popup displays. Funded by Durham University, Arts Council England and Montane.

S. Livingstone

S. Livingstone

S. Livingstone

Pxyzviseotabrdlkhi1g Stephen Livingstone

Fade to Grey

Pieces of Sky

Dust and Shadows (sixty-four extinctions)

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