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Sharing rose bud tea across continents

By  Claire Barber 2004
Teruyoshi Yoshida’s installation, Surface of the Lake, is aptly named. Shimmering, just above the gallery floor, it is reminiscent of the play of light on water and beautifully captures the idea of the transient moment. In his work, Yoshida draws directly from his deep commitment and understanding of Japanese culture and ritual. Sited in the decayed interior of Fabrica, it provided both context and starting point for the installation titled 'Sharing rose bud tea across continents'. Prior to the exhibition, I had recently returned from a research trip to Japan during which time I worked with Teruyoshi Yoshida. My assemblage of dust, crockery and textile fragments, articulates thoughts about ‘home’, ‘separation’ and ‘travel’ over the years preceding the exhibition at Fabrica. The artwork was reinstalled at the Piece Hall Art Gallery in Halifax and the Yard Gallery at Wollaton Hall, Nottingham and was presented as part of Through the Surface Anglo-Japanese collaborative project curated by Lesley Millar, Surrey Institute of Art & Design University College.
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The Train Track and the Basket [interior perspective]

Almost Quiet

Effervescent Trail

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