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So far, so near

By  Joanna Mowbray 1999 - 2001

Joanna Mowbray

Founding director of Sculpture, Dance, Performance, Collaboration, a not for profit arts company, established to initiate collaborative research into the relationship between form, sound and movement. The S.D.P.C. performances were international collaborations initially held at Rehovot Municipal Art Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel, in 2000 and at the Square Chapel, Halifax in 2002. The collaboration is experimental, working with artists who specialise within their own art practice. The performance 'so far, so near' incorporated, dance, movement, sculpture, video, contemporary music and phonic art. The Artists who created the performance: Joanna Mowbray-sculptor & artistic director, Irit Bluzer-performer & multidiciplinary artist, Andrea Buckley-dancer/chreographer, George Saxon-video/film artist, James Beirne-muscian/composer, Helmut Lemke, phonic artist.

Joanna Mowbray

Joanna Mowbray

Joanna mowbray far beyond 53065 Joanna Mowbray

Remembrance of a landscape

Linear spaces no.1

View from within

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