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Square of Paint

painting on the wall, dried paint size adjustable, each installation of 'A quare of paint' is unique and cannot be reproduced. Square of Paint is the name I initially came up with for a painting I made using paint skin in London as it happened to be a square shape and I could not find a suitable name. There are two aspects to drying paint: The action of drying paint in itself is a powerful message, I think. The action of drying paint and then use the paint to create paintings is a metaphor for change. Apart from these two points, the dried paint has its own personal history and hence is an archaeological trace of an artistic creation and process. During the second part of the Red Van art research trip I am mixing and drying paint in various locations along the journey. The colour of the mix reflects the immediate environment and hence serves as some sort of travel blog. MORE INFO AND PICS:
S8msf71pg0m2dxrpdwvl8q Jay Rechsteiner

A bag

I love David Hockney

Gaishterhuus (Ghost house)

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