Stuck on the Fence
Flisan Beard
Stuck on the Fence
A Fence used as a 'Mural' connotation and serving a public statement, but that being impermanent, rather than permanent.
Playing with the word FENCE
On the fence, off the fence, defence, offence....meaning, metaphors...
Pushing boundaries, questioning 'safe' boundaries and appropriate defences.
The concept STUCK ON THE FENCE explores appropriate internal and external (de)fences.
What purpose does this particular fence serve?
It was used to protect the public from road traffic, but the old road is no longer being used. Can the fence therefore come down? Or does it hold/contain/mark a valid piece of history-of a journey which was once there.
This specific site has evoked my interest to explore positive and negative aspects to this fence in the context of auto-biograghy using a metaphorical language.
What kind of (de)fences are meaningful?
Do I still need my own internal fence when looking at my 'history' and my 'old road', or should it come down?
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