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Studio- Intensive Day 2

By  Chris Wright 2018
Studio- Intensive Day 2 Stream of random thoughts, not necessarily coherent. Blog is a form of practice. Described water whilst swimming in a Norwegian fjord a few years ago as sharp. The water in my pool where I swam today was soft. Soft and warm. Moving a painted scrap 1 cm. makes a lot of difference. Think this work, From the Top Down, juxtaposes areas of land and sea, of mountains and clouds as well as here and not here. Found leaflet on different sorts of ice as well as a map of the Galapagos Islands, they are both relevant. However, the book of Korean recipes is not, not yet. White duck has one yellow duckling after sitting on egg for several weeks. Made polenta, its violent yellow splashes erupt from the pan. I drew the edge of the curtain from my bed today. The river is speckled white with blown flowers which have gathered up in eddies creating white blankets. I don’t get hay fever. The studio, so cold in Winter, was quite warm in spite of this. My new-found space in the studio created from tidying up makes it seem enormous, I can swing my arms and not knock anything over. I sharpened all my pencils. Looked through my past portfolios and images, usually I can see a thread running through my practice but not today. I am enjoying myself. Already about to change rules of engagement with this Studio-Intensive but realise that if I didn’t, I would probably have been wasting my time as I would not have been thinking deeply enough or challenging myself to come up with new thoughts.
Sdlfwkdclkwipnsyw3rkxg Chris Wright

Untitled (neon)



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