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Studio-Intensive Day 9, part two

By  Chris Wright 2018
Studio-Intensive Day 9, part two Summarising activities this week, I began with a piece using line, still in the process. Not a 2D artist, I have had to learn a lot with this work and maybe my thoughts about the curatorial fed into this. I spent two and a half days tidying up my space. I realise it was thinking time and an opportunity to look at old work and reassess. A highlight was definitely my conversation with artist, Linda Duvall ( I am still astounded at the way her humming resounded in my space. I have not fully evaluated the impact of this practical session yet, especially in relation to the internet whines. In addition, I have made progress with other projects - my collaboration with Ed McKeon. The end (?) point will be in July at Birmingham School of Art when we will create live performances. Ed will present Tacit and myself Tenuto. I have had a meeting about Honfleur Contre-Courant art exchange and discussed a live art project with Louise Garland in October. With only the old toilet cubicle to use as performance space, we need to be inventive but think we have the idea. I have applied for one job and managed to blog every day. I am aware that I have only outlined what I have done. I understand I am an artist who likes to think deeply and widely and delve into ideas. This means that there always seems to be a context, a written piece with my practical showing of work. The academic and the practice go hand in hand and whilst I have often thought that this was a problem, although not for me but when I apply for things as often images only are asked for. Perhaps these are the proposals that I should weed out. Another thing I have learnt is that I should work on the larger things rather than continually prevaricating. I need to treat myself as a serious artist and work hard at my self-confidence and self-esteem. Only then will I be able to move forwards. So I have learnt, and will continue learning.
Sdlfwkdclkwipnsyw3rkxg Chris Wright

Shipping Lanes

Dear Passenger

Echoes of the Beach

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