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Taciturn , B (bee, be) based on Ugaritic script

By  L C Persson 2012

Linda Persson

Choosing a stone as a symbol for language ‘Taciturn’ offers layers of readability. ‘Taciturn’ with the meaning reserved or uncommunicative; saying little, bound up in a rope where the stone hover above the ground announce fragility although dangerous if let loose. It’s mute at first sight but it is also a part of historic materiality. The drawing is from the design of Ugritic script a cuneiform abjad used from around 1400 BCE for Ugaritic, an extinct Northwest Semitic language. Ugaritic provide the earliest evidence of both the West and South Semitic orders of the alphabet, which gave rise to the alphabetic orders of the Hebrew, Greek and Latin alphabets. ‘B’ for be (pencil drawing) 2011.
prettier-ignore-start Linda Photography headshot portrait London artist portrait Linda 5 1714144055 prettier-ignore-end L C Persson

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