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The Chef Volunteer, Calais Jungle Kitchen

This painting was made after a short visit (as a volunteer) to Calais 'Jungle' in January 2016. The experience of going there, getting involved, and meeting people was unforgettable. It left me with powerful visions of life there that will doubtless be working their way out for some time to come, 'though the purpose of going there was not to make, nor research for, art. They are made using (commercial) raw pigments from various parts of Europe and found local ones from Devon and Dorset. Another reason for embarking on this series was that if any of the work sold, then a percentage of the funding would go towards refugee relief and/or potentially another journey where volunteers are needed. This is an ongoing endeavour.
prettier-ignore-start Forum detail 1714124772 prettier-ignore-end Jenny Mellings

Correspondence 5, All Yellow

Sun-Barded Horse

Blue Garden

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