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By  James Paddock 2023
Apologies, for posting this 'Thought' post as an 'Artwork', it's due to technical difficulties- Please see the attached the PDF mini essay I wrote first thing on this morning on UK Bank Holiday Monday. I reckon I have dyslexia (not tested) yeah write pretty obvious to some:) Yes, the majority of artist's are. So, I spent a few hours, if not many hours on this Mini essay, investigating ways to proof the text, using read aloud software, it works, I’m proud of what I've written but, it took hours. When I can do other stuff, and a non dyslexic can proof a text in no time. It's not an effective use of my time, yet, I believe there might be some better software to do the task.
Qsx4352quibdvb1k4gcog James Paddock

Infant trauma and the child as a sophisticated viewer of the arts.

ART SCHOOL PROJECT: By day and by night series

Taken out

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