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The information web (Homage to Foucault) 1998 maquette

By  Max Vollmer 2006

R M Vollmer

80cm x 50cm x 70cm

This maquette illustrates my design for a sculpture commission for the atrium space of the Nottingham University library. Surprisingly (?), it was not chosen. I proposed to suspend from the ceiling fully operational computers connected to the internet, moveable chairs and security cameras; these cameras would transmit via the internet life images of the students working on the computers but would, in turn, allow from these computers access to security camera images from elsewhere in the building.
prettier-ignore-start Vepunrvdoea1ds4yqgzqew prettier-ignore-end Max Vollmer

Verbindungen - Trennungen (displacement)

black torso

encounters, Port of Tyne, 2000 Performance/intervention/installation, International Ferry Terminal

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