The Lost Library: How challenging i.e. uncomfortable, can art be in this current context?
Catherine Wynne-Paton
7th April 2020
This series of videos began as live performances due in March and April in Abergavenny and Aberystwyth being indefinitely postponed due to the corona virus pandemic.
The Lost Library is a word and inquiry collecting and archival project. It's attentive to the surface of the world we inhabit, is an exploration of our actions in response to language and a method of sifting for an ancient knowledge through the words we choose and the answers we seek.
The Lost Library is currently open to receiving your questions. Please email them to
Please note, not all questions will feature in this series of videos, your email may not be replied to and the Lost Librarian appreciates questions pertinent to our time.
The painting featured at the beginning and end of the video is
Pain in a certain place and everything else spirals out from it by Jack Clough
Oil on canvas
740 x 740mm
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