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The Myth of Sexual Loss

By  Karen Brett 1998 - 2003

50" x 50"

The scope of the project addresses the ideology surrounding sexuality and the fear of the ageing body that exists within our society. The work is a photographic exploration of the ageing sexual body and challenges the misconception that sexual activity has to decline with age. The overall approach is one of intricacy and sensitivity, kept purely within an artistic context. The composure of the aged body in some instances has seeped through onto other levels of photographic representation, one that borders on the iconic. However, the visual structure of each image creates an integral element in the reading of the body of work. Firstly, the viewer is intrigued by the significance that the image presents, and then subjected to the implications of the outer margins that each piece considers.
Karen brett the memory clinic pr 131252 Karen Brett

Better Safe than Sorry

Horses Warped on an Altering Canvas

Self Imprisonment

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