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The Screen – Digital Drawing and Painting

By  Mik Godley 2003 - 2020
As digital technologies developed to the point that large amounts of data could be easily stored and shared, and touchscreen devices became more sophisticated, Mik began moving away from traditional drawing and painting to making work on iPads and smartphones. Since around 2014, most of Mik’s work has been digitally made. “Although my drawings usually take several days to produce, iPads and smartphones can be incredibly quick — you don’t have to wait for stuff to dry — and allow immediate online dissemination... you can post online or send files to be printed and exhibited anywhere in the world. The iPad and several of the apps are really easy to use, though some of the apps can be complex if needed, but they can also be used very simply, which suits me. Then there’s the portability... The iPad is effectively a portable studio and can do pretty much everything I need. With the Pencil stylus it now offers professional level precision — it’s no longer finger painting.” Rachel Graves, curator, Attenborough Arts Centre, University of Leicester ‘The Screen’ iPad drawings These drawings, using the vector drawing app Concepts, focus on the perimeter of the Walbrzych Mausoleum site ringed by trees that have been allowed to grow substantially since it was built in 1938, screening the building from view. For more information see

Reece Straw

Reece Straw

Reece Straw

Shapnjfkq0kxw5lgufzl0a Mik Godley

Large Haunebu (version 1 [idea-14])

off Marszalka Józefa Pilsudskiego, Walbrzych, Lower Silesia

Sniezne Kotly / Schneegruben – Google Earth-scape

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