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The Weight of it All

By  Lisa Risbec 2023 - 2024

Photo credit Sunny Bank Mills

Quilted, embroidered, blanket containing collected pebbles, reworked telephone seat, printed fabric, audio loop (03:00)

A retelling of a personal grief ritual; inviting the audience to listen, sit and reflect. The blanket is embroidered with an incantation or poem, quilted and then filled with pebbles collected from the beach a year earlier after a bereavement. It aims to soothe and comfort, and sits alongside the bench to create a space to reflect. The installation also features an audio loop, text and field recordings, placing the audience at the site of remembrance.

The work is shown in several configurations. Depending on invigilation conditions, the audience is invited to carefully handle the blanket, providing an additional sensory experience or view the item as an object or a wall hung piece.

Excerpt of sound piece and handling version of installation

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Everything I Didn't Want

Monument (in memory of)

The Organised Body

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