'to sleep'
Joanna Mowbray
Joanna Mowbray
- Sculpture
- Spiritual & Philosophical
- Personal Narratives & Identity
- Abstract & Conceptual
- Small Sculpture
- Light And Shadow
- Copper
- Reflections
- Silence
- Closeness
- Line And Edge
A. 3.3 h x 55.3 L x 5.0 w B. 2.2 h x 50.6 L x 4.8 cm
Two soldered copper forms, which lie close to each other. Each form is open at both ends and the seams left unsoldered, to make you aware of the inside space. The surface of each form is hand sanded lightly to create a textured drawing of movement. The light, shadow and the warmth of the colour reflected from the copper onto each form and the space underneath the forms where they touch the table surface are expressive elements of the sculpture
Joanna Mowbray
Joanna Mowbray
Joanna Mowbray
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