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Tongue Crawl, 2019

By  Pippa Eason 2019
Studio image of new body of sculptural work. I am making works in direct relation to a moment in time. I think sometimes it's hard to contextualise things within your work, but once you find a harmony of a few things at once, it all begins to make sense. I don't think the journey is ever meant to have a resolved point, other wise an artist would just stop making. It's about celebrating the unknown, the grey areas, the things we haven't quite understood yet. I am invested in making sure my practice stays integral to itself.
JAL 6957 Small 1723975541 Pippa Eason

Sculpture in the studio, 2018

Momentary Blip, 2022

Making Potions from Mums Posh Shampoos (For AIR Gallery), 2019

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