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Untitled (with video)

By  Robert Luzar 2011 - 2019
Live-art performance, willow charcoal on wall, video. This work is exhibited in two parts: first as a live-art performance, a video re-presenting the performance. Before either action, performance or video, takes place a pattern is drawn on the gallery wall (the 'pattern' changes from space to space, echoing elements of the existing architecture, e.g. power sockets, door frames). This pattern is 'drawn' before either the performance or the video take place – rather than performing the drawing in real-time. And the performance appears static, the artist appearing to audiences un-moving, immobile, almost paralysed (when in fact he does move but too slow to be seen moving). In this way the work happens through a series of reversals and resistances.
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Screened Envelope 2

Clear-Sky Pointing

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