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Washing Up-Calais Kitchens 2

This is one of the group of paintings on paper being made as part of a record of a short time spent volunteering at the Jungle Camp early in 2016. Washing up is one of the mammoth daily tasks for volunteers. This installation of huge-sized pots and pans were more or less the work of one particular volunteer from the Bridport Team Calais! Of course this is not an entirely accurate representation of that scene, and colours have been in part determined by the narrow range of earth pigments available. Version 2!
prettier-ignore-start Forum detail 1714124772 prettier-ignore-end Jenny Mellings
This is a painting of two layers relating to the experience and limitations of communication via Skype. The shadowy 'figure' is trapped behind a screen, obscured by the pointillist/divisionist dots of light. The colours suggest a nocturnal view, dominated by orange, which reflects of the ubiquitous colouring of the sodium vapour streetlamp.

Skype 2

Correspondence 6, Channel, and Correspondence 8, St Rita of the Final Hour


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