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Ways of Seeing (Three Women) (II)

By  Ann Denison 2009

Ann Denison

177cm x 275cm x 0.3cm

The title is a direct reference to John Berger's book of the same title which formed part of the inspiration for this series of three works exploring the role of women and how they they are seen - especially in art and literature. The figure in blue on the left draws parallels with depictions of Mary as an 'ideal' woman whilst the dark figure of the woman on the right of the work wears a burka and elicits notions of women as 'second class' and to be hidden. The central figure reflects at the same time both the advances made in the emancipation of 'modern'/'western' women whilst the precarious position of her easel is a clear sign of how tenuous many of these new freedoms are.
A D Ann Denison

Mrs McLaren's Labour - installation view

Doctor's Prescription

Walking the Dogs

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