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White 3 (When Contents Become Form)

240 x 240 x 240

The exhibition When Contents Become Form was exhibited at Arbeit Gallery 2013. Catalogue at : White3, a sculptural installation constructed from (paper) gallery press releases fed through a security level two shredder. The work is 8ft x 8ft x 8t. The paper is suspended over and hovers above a reflective plinth The work invites the viewer to walk around the installation, which moves with the slightest breeze. When looking the work presents an illusion of solidity from some view points whilst others give vistas right through the middle. This fragmentation, focus and unfocused vision references the context of the material, in both its content and materiality. Through the deconstruction and reconstruction of the press releases lose what authority they once held; as code breakers, instructions, as tools of en-culturation. The work homogenises the contents and is re-presented in a form that captures its original purpose and relationship with the creator. The artwork invites the viewer to look, see to experience and effect, rather than read.
10ch2j74v0e2ekas4efa Jeannie Driver

Ubiquitous Materials

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