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Whitehead 2

By  Phil Lambert 2018
Painting: Oil and Clay on Paper and Other. The brick was made in the Whitehead Brickworks in Cwmbran around 1940. I came across this brick whilst reading the philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead. From this starting point a series of works have been made about ontology and representation. This painting, is made from the same clay that the brick was made from. The clay was extracted from the soil near the former brickworks site, then dried and ground into a powder. Walnut alkyd is then added to this to turn it into an oil paint. The piece is framed and mounted and part of a larger series of works on the theme. It has been painted on quality paper which has been protected from the paint with layers of clear primer.
prettier-ignore-start Apt1eavsdu5lzpyt5mpw prettier-ignore-end Phil Lambert

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