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Veronica Ryan

Veronica Ryan: Art House Residency

In June 2017, The Art House played host to the transformative Change Makers residency featuring Veronica Ryan, an artist whose work delves deep into themes of ancestral history, migration, loss, and mythologies. Our film, commissioned by The Art House, offers an exclusive look into Veronica's residency experience, showcasing her process of creation and exploration.

Veronica Ryan's work is a poignant exploration of the connections that bind us across time and space. During her residency, she embarked on a journey that wove together threads of memory, domestic objects, and the rich tapestry of ancestral narratives. This period was not only a continuation of her ongoing inquiry but also an opportunity to engage in a dialogue with the legacy of Barbara Hepworth, whose influence pervades the artistic landscape of Wakefield.

Our film takes you behind the scenes of Veronica Ryan's residency, offering insights into her creative process and the profound themes that underpin her work.

A film made by Axis, Commissioned by The Art House


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