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Structurally F–cked, industria

Structurally F–cked: A report into artists' pay and working conditions

The report titled 'Structurally F–cked' by Industria, sheds light on the challenging pay and conditions artists face. 

This investigation is based on insights from Artist Leaks, an online survey where visual artists reported on their engagements with publicly funded galleries across England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. These artists, contracted for a range of activities from major commissions to workshops, unveiled a prevalent issue of low fees and unpaid work, often hidden from the public eye.

The title 'Structurally F–cked' aptly captures the systemic exploitation underscored by the testimonies collected through the survey. The report also includes essays by Lola Olufemi, Juliet Jacques, and Jack Ky Tan, which offer personal reflections and broader commentary on the creative sector's landscape. These contributions underscore the urgent need for publicly funded institutions to rethink and reform how they collaborate with artists, ensuring fair compensation and sustainable practices.


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