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JMC Anderson

Artist, Curator and Facilitator

                                                           Artist and Curator 

JMC Anderson aims to reveal and expose the nature of language that is within society, in an era paraded with visual advertisements. This opens up dialogue for the audience to attain a familiar yet unique experience.

Researching theories on semiotics and linguistics her belief is that language lives within everything.  Language is used in order to translate ideas and concepts. It is an apparatus. In this investigation, Anderson strives to question the construction and meaning that language is made up of through the use of characteristics, structure, design, domestic environments and objects. Through both passive and visual communication she considers sensual capacity and the reading process.




A to Z and back again (II)

A to Z and back again

Intersect 2.0

Intersect and Intersect 2.0

A to Z series

A to Z 2.0

Gibberish 2.0



A to Z

Gibberish 1.1

Gibberish 1.0

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