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Paul Lewthwaite

Concepts My work consists of refined sculptures, used to explore a personal symbolism developed from research into areas such as architecture, history, the sciences and the arts. The sculptures are characterised by careful production techniques, often unified through a use of layered paint work. This approximates closely methods of manufactured processes. The apparent simplicity of form is reached only after an intense design and revision stage supplemented by experimentation in the studio. Whether working on a large or small scale, my goal is to achieve a clarity of vision and concept. I have an equal interest in gallery based and site specific sculpture/public art. I have experience in the various stages of commission work ranging from research, design and consultation through to construction and siting. For commissioned outdoor sculpture I am extremely aware of producing pieces relevant to their surroundings. For “The Generation of Possibilities”, for example, made for the UMIST, the design of the ‘electromagnet’ forms was equally inspired by the need to communicate Technology/Science/Innovation as a subject, as the proximity of arches of a rail viaduct on one side of the site and a tilted ‘U’ shaped tower of a university building on the other. Again, for “Building On and Building Up”, sited at Greenfield Arts Centre, Newton Aycliffe, the horizontal orientation of the buildings and landscape of the surrounding area pointed to the need for a vertical, uplifting, structure. Influences Contemporary architecture, History, The sciences, Culture, Contemporary art, Aesthetic/Formal Concerns, Architecture/Urban environment, Industrial Fabrication processes

Field Units One, Two and Three

Evidence of Mechanisation

The Seemingly Magical Power of Science

In Case of Uncertainty

Disaster Box

Memory of the Mountain

Looking Through and Within

Taking Shape

Non-whaling Tool 3

Non-whaling Tool 2

Non-whaling Tool 1

Occupying the Landscape 2. From Making A Place series

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