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Mark Scott-Wood

Went feral during a Blue Peter make.

I am fascinated by material and process. I work mostly with found objects. I use these objects by applying texture and concept in a way evocative of childhood and early teenage resourcefulness. This can range from sculpture and painting through to performance and events. The processes I employ are eclectic including pulping paper, firing ceramics or appliquéing banners. Although I have a love of craft, the work is intended to challenge and address many aspects of current contemporary art practice through the use of more traditional techniques. The majority of the work has an element of trompe l'oeil about it; in so much as it often appears deceptively obvious but demands further attention. It is this playful nature of the work that I take pleasure in developing. These works are often made to come apart so require an element of assemblage but frustratingly this is not always an invitation for play.


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