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Andre Hess

St Albans
Concepts Andre Hess makes simple shapes that are both familiar and fugitive. Shapes that require the viewer to question what the pieces mean rather than what they resemble or represent. The making process informs the meaning of the work. He uses technique that fulfils the requirement. Surface treatment serves only to qualify what is already there.Career path Qualifications: Modern Art Practices and Debates, the Open University, passed with distinction Understanding Western Art, the Open College of the Arts Batchelor of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria, South Africa Areas of work: Exhibiting Collections: National Gallery, Cape Town, South Africa University of Pretoria, South Africa The Clay Museum, Cape Town, South Africa The South African High Commissoin, London Altech/Altron Group, Johannesburg, South Africa
Solo exhibitions 1994 - In the window, Contemporary Ceramics, London Group exhibitions 1999 - Ceramics Monthly International Competition, USA 1999 - Two person show with John Higgins, Contemporary Ceramics, London 1998 - Celebration, Quay Arts Centre, Isle of Wight 1998 - Fletcher Challenge Ceramics Award, New Zealand 1998 - South African Ceramics Biennale, Johannesburg 1997 - Fletcher Challenge Ceramics Award, New Zealand 1997 - Kaleidoscope, the opening of the new Contemporary Ceramics, London 1996 - Fireworks III, Contemporary Ceramics, London 1996 - Fletcher Challenge Ceramics Award, New Zealand 1996 - International ceramics biennale, Belgium 1996 - What's Brewing, Connoisseur Gallery, London 1995 - Aylesbury County Museum 1995 - Britain in Greece Festival, Athens, Greece 1995 - Connoisseur Gallery, London 1994 - Fireworks II, Contemporary Ceramics, London 1994 - Studio ceramcis 94, Victoria and Albet Museum, London 1993 - Craft Potters Association, London 1993 - Fletcher Challenge Ceramics Award, New Zealand 1993 - The South African Embassy, London 1990 - Corobrik National Competition, Port Elizabeth 1990 - Corobrik Regional Competition, Cape Town 1990 - Invited Ceramists exhibition, Cly Museum, Cape Town 1990 - South African Ceramics Awards Competition 1989 - Corobrik National Competition, Pretoria 1989 - Corobrik Regional Competition, Cape Town 1989 - National Clay Festival 1988 - Corobrik National Competition, Durban 1988 - Corobrik Regional Competition, Cape Town 1988 - Primart Gallery, Cape Town 1987 - Contemporary South African Ceramics, National Gallery, Cape Town 1987 - Corobrik National Competition, Cape Town 1987 - Corobrik Regional Competition, Cape Town

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