Andrew Burton

Andrew Burton's most recent work explores bricks. Working in Britain, India and the Netherlands, he formed thousands of tiny bricks from clay and constructed these into various sculptures. Each sculpture would be painted or glazed, but then broken up and its constituent parts used to form the next. In this way the sculptures are continually recycled. Burton works with a variety of media, including clay, bronze and stone as well as more ephemeral materials such as bamboo or chili peppers. He has exhibited internationally, in Europe, India and Korea and his work and has undertaken major public commissions in Britain and Asia In 1990 he was First Prizewinner in the MacGrigor Donald Sculpture Prize
Public realm 2014 - Lux, Cragside, 2014 - Monument, Sainsbury Centre for Visual Art, 2014 - Unravelling Uppark, 2011 - Butress, CAFKA, Protest: Resist, Waterloo Art Gallery, , Ontario, Canada 2011 - Making Bithooras – Bithooras par haath pa Chaap, National Craft Museum, New Delhi, India 2011 - S'Imrbiquer - Autour de la Brique, Maladrerie St Lazare, Beauvais, France 2010 - Bittern, commissioned for Shanghai Wolrd Expo 2010, Shanghai, China 2008 - Enclosure - with Ladders, Clayarch Museum , Busan, South Korea 2005 - Nine Cows, Guwow Eco Park, Taebeak, South Korea 2005 - SkyQtub, Sanskriti Foundation, New Delhi, India Qualifications and training 1986 - MA, Sculpture, Newcastle University 1984 - BA Hons 1st Class, Newcastle University Solo exhibitions 2011 - Tierra del Fuego, Chinese European Art Center, Xiamen, China 2010 - Tholos, Globe Offsite, Newcastle upon Tyne 2008 - Andrew Burton, Brickworks, Sculpture in the Workplace, Canary Wharf, London 2007 - Harker's Wall, Waygood, Newcastle upon Tyne 2007 - Sculpture of Bricks and Bees, University Gallery, , University of Northumbria, Newcastle upon Tyne 2006 - Sculpture from a Land of Ants and Bees, British Council, New Delhi 1996 - European Ceramics Work Centre, The Netherlands 1995 - University Gallery University of Northumbria 1994 - Walls Mountains Millstones RIBA, London 1993 - Glynn Vivian Art Gallery, Swansea 1992 - Middlesbrough Art Gallery Group exhibitions 2012 - Kith and Kin II, National Glass Centre, Sunderland, UK 2011 - Passengers and Goods, Stephenson Works, Newcastle upon Tyne 2011 - Rolling Snowball 2, Quanzhou Contemporary Art Space, Quanzhou, China 2008 - Clay, Royal Society of Sculptors, London 2008 - Summer Exhibition, Royal Academy of Arts, London 2007 - Brick - the Exhibition, European Ceramic Work Centre, Groos Handelsgebouw, Rotterdam 2006 - The Stuff of Substance, Squires Gallery, Newcastle upon Tyne 1992 - Drumcroon Arts Centre, Wigan 1990 - Kelvin Grove Glasgow, Scottish Gallery, London 1990 - Lynn Stern Gallery, London 1989 - Zoocheck Exhibition, London 1988 - Acanthis Conference, Art in Architecture, Edinburgh Curated projects 2012 - Art Lending Library, Market Street Gallery, Glasgow 2011 - Democratic Promendade, Bluecoat Gallery, Liverpool Public commissions 2003 - Cook's Earth, James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough 2001 - Annuncation, facilitated by Sculture at Goodwood, Thurloe Street, South Kensongton, London 2001 - Cycle, Castle Gate Roundabout, Dudley, West Midlands Projects 2009 - Enclosure, temporary installation commissioned for Dutch Design Week, deStrijp, Eindhoven, NL 2009 - Jug, British Ceramics Biennial, 'Public' award winner , Potteries Museum, Stoke on Trent 2006 - Bricks and Bambooo, European Ceramics Centre, 's-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands Competitions, prizes and awards 2010 - Bienale Internationale - Creation Contmporaine et Ceramique, Magnelli Museum, , Vallauris, France