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Andrew Hardwick

I use paint, pigments, materials such as soot, plastic to produce landscape based textural artifacts.

Hardwicks work is landscape based and looks at strange wilderness zones, both those seemingly natural and those man made. His paintings play with and subvert traditional ideas of landscape painting and the sublime. The images look at edgeland zones around big industrial ports, their massive car storage compounds, redundant factories and polluted waste lands. It also looks at the more poetic and maybe presented wilderness zones like those of Dartmoor and Bodmin moor, however these are also polluted with reminders of the contemporary influence on the landscape. Roads predominate in crossing the moor, a narrow road is etched into a otherwise massive triptych, likewise a real car radiator sits in the painting distant barrow and car radiator. Cars toy ones sometimes seemingly hundreds form an image of a car storage compound at Royal Portbury Dock. A layered landscape is a theme of Hardwicks work firstly in terms of texture, the paintings are heavily layered with different types of paint, plaster, plastics, soils, pigments, roofing felt, hay and other unconventional materials. To this rich surface often relevant toys are added, suggesting reminders or memory of the landscapes history. This idea of a layered landscape may come partly from the artists childhood, the family farm was first sliced in half by the M5 motorway and then by the Royal Portbury deep water Dock. The land has become pure edgeland wilderness with detritus of the developments filling land that was once filled with sheep. No image in Hardwicks work is left untouched by the notion of change, memory, history and emotion, often the landscapes story and history is purposely unclear. Hardwicks images remind us that we are just another layer in time


Qualifications and training 1997 - MA Fine Art, University of Wales, Cardiff

Solo exhibitions

2024- Bridport Arts Centre, Dorset,Wounded Land runs 17 feb to 23 March Privete view 16 Feb

2023- Torrington Arts Centre, Torrington, Devon

2022- Anima Mundi, St Ives with Jonathan Michael Ray 

2022- Cornerstone Arts Centre, Didcot 

2022- Forgotten Land The Spring Arts Centre, Havant 14 April to 25 June

2019- Atkinson Art Gallery, Millfield, Street, Somerset

2019- Edgelands, Stockport War Memorial Art Gallery, Stockport

2017- Remnant, North Wall Arts Centre, Oxford

2017- Wilderness, Mirror Gallery, South Hill Park, Bracknell

2016 - Palimpsest, Anima Mundi. S Ives 23/9 to 31/10

2015 - Scarred Land Millennium Gallery, St Ives

2013 -Moor Millennium Gallery, St Ives

2011 - Evanescent Earth, Millenium Gallery, St Ives

2010 - Tidal Wilderness, Victoria Art Gallery, Bath

2009 - Where the sea meets the Estuary, Burton Art Gallery, Bideford

2008 - Estuary with Danny Markey, Newport Museum and Art Gallery, Newport

2006 - Forgotten Ground, Central Art Gallery, Aston under Lyne

2004 - Between land and Tide, South Tipperary Arts Centre, South Tipperary, Southern Ireland

Joint exhibitions

2022- Earth Digging Deep in British Art 1781-2022 Royal West of England Academy, Bristol 9 July to 11 September

2021- Bsa Open Exhibition, Victoria Gallery, Bath

2020 - New Landscape Painting, Tremenhere Sculpture Park, Penzance, Cornwall

2018- Emerging Landscapes, RWA Bristol

           RA Summer Show, London

2016 - RA Summer Show, London

2016 - RWA Show, Atkinson Gallery, Millfield, Somerset

2016 - Bristol loves tides, RWA Bristol

2015 - Millennium Gallery, St Ives

Featured in


Weekly Highlights: 6 - 12 May, 2024

By Axis

Sink or Float a Curated Selection by Zinzi Minott

By Zinzi Minott

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