Andrew Revell

About The Artwork:
1 Grok series explores the possibilities of improvised construction, without prior drawing or maquette, utilising both new stock, found objects and discarded materials.
When you claim to “grok” some practice, you are asserting that you have not merely acquired it in a theoretical detached manner but that it has become embodied, part of your identity. To “grok” is to dwell in the ‘zone’, in the moment, engaged therein without division between thought and action – mind and body.
2 Tekton series explores the compositional possibilities available from a single plane of rigid material.
I draw with the sheet and a knife; rapidly, intuitively, precisely, constructing dynamically in three dimensions.
The first cut determines the next and so on – form follows counter form – until all the pieces of a rectangular plane are used up – no waste or additional material. If I don’t have enough, then I have to rework what I have – I stop when I am convinced of the object.
About The Artist
Andrew is a professional artist with successful public, private and commercial experience in museum commissions, residencies and a commitment to advancing the practice of sculpture as an artist and an educator.
Sculpture is a practical, timeless activity and making art a fundamental human impulse; ultimately – ‘it’s all in the doing’ – the rest a parlour game.
Artwork enquiries via Noon-Powell Fine Art
Design and workshop activities via Axisweb
2013-15 Bespoke interior architectural commissions, private client, Rye, Sussex.
2002-03 Solar Mobile - Museum of Science & Industry, Manchester.
2002 Len Grant "Landmarks" sound installation - Imperial War Museum.
1996 "String Theory" cycle underpass relief - Hailsham, Sustrans.
1995 "Quercus Robur" cycle tunnel relief - Cuckoo Trail, Wealden Council.
1990 "Lorca" sculpture commission - Quedgeley Library, Gloucestershire County Council.
2002-03 AA2A, printmaking - Bolton Institute, Artist access scheme.
1993 Artist in Residence - N.A.V.E. Oporto, Int. Artists Exchange.
2014 SPON! Gallery Zou, Covent Garden, London.
1993 Art Space Gallery, King Street, Bristol.
2015 B.A.R Print Open, Willesden, London.
2014 ACAVA Open Studios, Acton, London.
2013 PUSH 107 - Marylebone, London.
2013 United Artists Menier Gallery, London.
2012 Pushing Print, Margate.
2010 18@108 - Royal Society of British Sculptors, Kensington, London.
2009 Engineered - Royal Society of British Sculptors, kensington, London.
2009 SW1 Gallery - Victoria, London.
2009 CGP Open - Southwark.
1993 N.A.V.E. - Vila Nova de Gaia, Oporto, Portugal.
1991-96 Touchy - Bristol, Artspace Gallery, Praxis Gallery, Ernst & Young, Bristol.
Westminster Arts Collection - 2009 Purchase Award,
Southwest Arts Training Bursary, British Steel Corporation, Kell Foundry & Helipebs casting award. Taylors Fladgate, Gulbenkian Foundation & Bristol/Oporto Fund (NAVE ArtSpace exchange)
2017 "Out To Lunch" Crypt Gallery, London.
2014 "ShoShoShow" Crypt Gallery, London.
2013 "PUSH 107" Sculpture Group, Marylebone, London.
2012 "Off The Bench" Islington Arts Factory, London.
2012-Currrent ACAVA Studios, Vale House, Acton, London.
2007-12 CELL Studios, Dalston, London.
1996-98 Independent Studio, Redcliffe, Bristol.
1991-96 ARTSPACE Studios, Spike Island, Bristol.
2012-Current Sculpture Tutor, Morley College, Kennington, London.
2012-Current Artist Tutor, London Sculpture Workshop, Bermondsey.
2003-Current Sculpture Tutor, City Literary Institute, Holborn London.
2003-09 Head of Art and Design, Westminster Cathedral Choir School, Victoria, London.
2012-Current London Sculpture Workshop, Greenwich.
2009-11 Schools Workshops, Royal Society Of British Sculptors.
2002 New Contemporaries, Cornerhouse, Manchester, Stockport Art Gallery.
Adult Community Sculpture workshops, rural mental health group, Newent, Gloucestshire.
AXISWEB - professional artist insurance.
CRB - checked.