Angela Eames

I am an artist/drawer who makes drawings in graphite on paper, large format digital images and/or video works. My work is about line and the accumulation of hand-drawn or computer-generated line. Line is forged through pencil, pixel, polygon, vertex and spline in a process of simultaneous observation, fabrication and manipulation in both physical and virtual space. Line evolves into polygonal form in the 3-dimensional computing world and then emerges as a form of skin/membrane/field or scape in the 2-dimensional world. Line, as singular or composited, evolves into 3-dimensional object/place and ultimately emerges as 2-dimensional substance. The initial impact on both maker and viewer is one of surprise that such objects and/or places are possible.
Experience and knowledge derived from previous drawing practice in the material world informs my thinking and working procedures. Decisions regarding what to do and what to do next are governed by my experience as a drawer. My projections or conjectures with regard to the intangible stem from an awareness of the tangible and those of the invisible from an awareness of the visible and vice versa. I visually think through drawing. Drawing accommodates the coupling of the intuitive and the accidental with my rational and strategic behaviours. Drawing for me, might be summed up as what if? I am rethinking the position of the viewer and the viewed. Can I see differently? I am outside looking in - I can imagine the unseen but within the virtual environment I can see from the inside - out. I can move around, by means of a virtual camera, within virtual space. The virtual camera becomes my eye. I can use the computer to do something, which it can do and I cannot, which I can propose and it can provide, which I cannot see - until I can.
Angela Eames is a drawer who was born in Malmesbury, England in 1951. Eames studied at Bath Academy (BA Honours), The Slade School of Art (MA Fine Art), Centre for Computer Aided Art & Design at Middlesex University (MA Computing in Design and Programming) and Wimbledon School of Art affiliated to the University of Surrey (PhD). She has exhibited her work both nationally and internationally. Eames visual practice utilises all drawing media from autographic procedures, through computing (two and three-dimensionally) and moving image.
Carla Rappaport wrote, Angela started working digitally in 1987 with her first computer, a Commodore Amiga with 8MB add-on capacity, C++, and D-paint! In order to print largescale images she had to print on A4 rolls of Xerox copy paper and laminate them, in strips, to a suitable substrate. Large format printers had not yet been invented. Every path she followed in the realising of work was new and difficult.... As a member of The London Group, she had for some years been alone in her digital pursuit but now, with newer members to the group engaged within the electronic field and an awareness of other artists through the Lumen Prize, she feels more connected. Drawing for her is not merely the mark as derived through application of eye, hand and implement although this is ubiquitous. “Drawing is the very thought-process of an artist. I acknowledge the digital as commonplace but if I frame, shoot, deconstruct and reconstruct photographic images within Photoshop and construct assemble and disassemble virtual entities within 3D Studio Max for example, what exactly am I doing? I believe that I am drawing. I know that I am not painting, sculpting, printmaking, filming - perhaps I’m not even making - but I am drawing”, she says.
Exhibitions include...
Solaris, Solo Show, forthcoming...
Six Foot Gallery, Glasgow, Two Person Show, forthcoming...
The London Group at Bankside: Hopton Street, London.
Solaris - Summer Show: St Leonards on Sea.
Catching your Breath: The London Group, The Morley Gallery, London.
Wish You/We Were Here/There… The Power Of The Postcard, Bookartbookshop, London
Seisma Magazine, FLUX | MELTDOWN ...not a moment to spare, BLUE MICROBE and BLUE NUCLEUS, featured in Seisma Studio Lab series.
Honourable mention Kiez Berlin Film Festival, FLUX | MELTDOWN ...not a moment to spare.
Finalist Experimental Film category, Brighton Rocks International Film Festival, FLUX | MELTDOWN ...not a moment to spare.
Runner-up in Best Experimental Film category, Hastings Rocks International Film Festival, FLUX | MELTDOWN ...not a moment to spare.
Selected, Best Shorts Competition - Experimental films, FLUX | MELTDOWN ...not a moment to spare.
Finalist, Rome Independent Prisma Awards - Experimental films, FLUX | MELTDOWN ...not a moment to spare.
Winter Show, Linden Hall Studio, Deal.
London Group Annual, Cello Factory, London.
Selected, Festival Angaelica - MONOLITH | TOTEM ...under the yolk.
Wish You/We Were Here/There - IRL 'Wish You/We were Here/There' - curated by Sumi Perera and Carol Wyss, Küefer Martis Huus, Liechtenstein.
Finalist Experimental Film category, London Rocks International Film Festival, FLUX | MELTDOWN ...not a moment to spare.
Finalist, Still Voices International Film Festival - Experimental films, FLUX | MELTDOWN ...not a moment to spare.
Longlisted, The Lumen Prize - Art and Technology
Honourable mention Venice Intercultural Film Festival - Short films, FLUX | MELTDOWN ...not a moment to spare.
Finalist, Walthamstow International Film Festival - Short films, MONOLITH | TOTEM ...under the yolk.
Winner, Alpine Fellowship Visual Art Prize, UNTAMED - On Wilderness and Civilisation, FLUX | MELTDOWN ...not a moment to spare.
Passepartout Photo Prize (Online), Curated by Roberta Fuorvia, Rome.
Earth Patterns (Online), Curated by Shafiga Aghayeva.
In the Dark 3 - Being There, Cello Factory, London (Online).
In Plain Sight: The London Group, Thelma Hulbert and her London Group Friends, Thelma Hulbert Gallery, Devon.
Wish You/We Were Here/There, (Online), curated by Sumi Perera and Carol Wyss, The London Group.
Structured at Gallery 57, Arundel.
Southwark Park Galleries 36th Annual Open (Online), London.
Electric Artefacts + Lumen, Inaugural Exhibition, online gallery.
CADAF online - The Contemporary & Digital Art Fair, exhibiting prints within the Lumen Booth.
Isolation, The London Group, curated by Darren Nisbett.
Reflection Series - Linden Hall Studio, Deal.
The Mass: SYSTEMATISED - Online collection of discursive articles, gathered in response to global issues.
In the Dark 2020 - Even Darker, Cello Factory, London.
London Group Opens, Cello Factory, London.
Digital U Extreme Views Part 2, (Online).
Finalist, Marshwoods Arts Awards at the Bridport Arts Centre.
The Lumen Prize, Director's Showcase, The Cello Factory, London.
The Bermondsey Artist's Group, The Lake Gallery, London.
RA Summer Exhibition, Royal Academy, London.
Metamorphosis, Cello Factory, London, curated by Paul Tecklenberg and Darren Nisbett. View catalogue here
Drawing Distinctions (UK), Cello Factory, London, curated by Clive Burton and Angela Eames.
In the Dark, Cello Factory, London.
The London Group at The Penwith Gallery, St Ives.
Drawing Distinctions (USA), Furlong Gallery, Wisconsin, USA, Curated by Charles Wimmer.
Coastal Currents, Morley Farm Barn Studio, Two Person Show.
S C A P E - Linden Hall Studio Gallery, Deal. Solo Show
Down from London, Linden Hall Studio Gallery, Deal. (Article: On Curating Down from London)
Coastal Currents Open Studio, Morley Farm Barn. Two Person Show.
The Mesh: Watermans Art Centre, curated by Genetic Moo and Irini Papadimitriou.
Personal Relations, 2017, Travelling Exhibition. (The Cello Factory - London, The Hague - Pulchri Studio, Vicenza - Mirror Gallery)
Daisyworld - installation at 1DEA5PAC7, London, 2008. Solo Show.
Surfacing - Total Arts Gallery, Dubai, 2008, Solo Show.
Sovereign European Art Prize, selected exhibitor, London, 2007, Group Show.
In and thro’ or somewhere thereabouts - Morley Gallery, London, 2004. Solo Show.
Collaboration with LABAN Dance Centre, Dance piece - Tamasa. Choreographed by Angela Woodhouse. Dance performance held in exhibition space of Eames new digital works, dancers -15, audience-15, and silence.
Small is Beautiful - Flowers East Gallery, London, 1983/90/92/94/96. Group Shows.
Women Light Up the Night - Berlin, Germany, Sponsored by the Kulturamt Mitte, 1994, Group Show.
Kunstbrucke 2 - Galerie Parterre, Prenzlaur Berg, East Berlin, Germany, Three Perso Show. Selected by Sacha Craddock and Darrell Viner, 1993.
With No Opinion - Lanchester Gallery, Coventry University, Coventry, sponsored by Midlands Arts, 1993, Solo Show,
Winner of the Alpine Fellowship Visual Art Prize, 2021.
British Council Award 2008, for solo exhibition Surfacing in Dubai.
UAL College Research Award 2004, for Pixelraiders conference, Sheffield Hallam University.
PhD by Creative Practice 2001, at Wimbledon School of Art (in association with Surrey University) 2001. Thesis - Extending drawing: a creative enquiry into innovatory approaches to drawing as visual thinking and the realisation of material and virtual outcomes.
Artist in Residence 2003, Montmiral School of Painting, Gaillac, France.
College Research Award 1999, for CADE ‘99, Middlesbrough and Drawing Across Boundaries, Loughborough University.
British Council Award 1998, for Kunstbrucke 2, (Two Person exhibition selected by Sacha Craddock and Darrell Viner), East Berlin, Germany.
Wolverhampton University Research Award 1995, PhD research, Wimbledon School of Art and Surrey University.
Greater London Arts, 1993, for With No Opinion, Café Gallery and St James’ Gallery, London.
Masters in Computing in Art and Design awarded 1992, CASCAAD, Middlesex University.
Ray Finnis Foundation Award 1992, for research work undertaken at CASCAAD, Middlesex University.
Commodore Business Machines 1992, USA, Vermont Studio Centre Scholarship and Chelsea College of Art Grant for Vermont Studio Centre Residency.
A.G.B.I. Award 1983.
British Council Award, 1981, for Lightbulb, Berlin, Germany
Greater London Arts, 1980, for Waterloo Gallery, London.
Angela Eames and Drawing as Visual Thinking, Madeleine Pierpont, October 2020.
Angela Eames - Longlisted for Lumen Prize 2019, Carla Rappaport.
The Mass: SYSTEMATISED - THERE ARE CRACKS / ...and THERE ARE CRACKS, THE END OF THE WORLD / DREAMS DO COME TRUE - online publication of images in response to global issues.
Photography as a Purveyor of the Present - Metamorphosis online catalogue essay, Angela Eames, 2019,
Pluto Passing - Short Stories, Angela Eames, published by stillhere, 2018. ISBN: 978-1-99962-10-1
Adhering to the Grid - The Drawings of Angela Eames, published by stillhere, 2017. ISBN: 978-1-999621-08-7
Spatial Manoeuvres - The Drawings of Angela Eames, Interalia Magazine, (Interview with Richard Bright), 2015.
Brush Lines not Brush Stokes - The drawings of Isabel Albrecht, Cornerhouse Publications, 2008. Preface to catalogue for Colour Progression exhibition at Patrick Heide Contemporary Art, ISBN: 978-3-941763-03-6
Embedded Drawing - The work of Michael Kidner, Writing on Drawing - Essays on Drawing Practice and Research, published by Intellect Books, 2008. ISBN: 978-1-84150-200-7
Surfacing catalogue, Total Arts Gallery, Dubai, 2008, published by Candlestar Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-9558661-0-4
The Inexorable Rise of Drawing, Annabel Tilley, Garageland Issue 6: Supernatural, 2007.
Drawing Now - Drawing Research Network, published by IB Tauris, 2007, ISBN: 978-1-84511-533-3
Too Much Polish and Not Enough Spit. Published by TRACEY Drawing Journal, 2004
What is new work that is inherently out of sight? Pixelraiders 2 Sheffield Hallam University, 2004
Article in Digital Creativity 2002, Volume 13, No 4. pp. 239-256, On LookingWriting at SeeingDrawing: Designing meaningful interactive experiences, interactive design, information architecture and pedagogy
Drawing through Process - Kingston University, Works selected for touring exhibition, 2003
Where as opposed to what is drawing now? Colloquium at Glasgow School of Art, Keynote speaker, 2003
Focus on Drawing, National College of Art and Design, Dublin, Keynote speaker, 2003
Joining the Dots - Preface for exhibition catalogue at launch of BAFTA nominated Seeing Drawing interactive DVD, 2001
From Drawing to Computing and Back Again. Drawing Across Boundaries, Loughborough University, 2000
A Five Step Guide (or things to watch out for when using computers), CADE at Teesside University, 1999
Once Upon a Meantime, Creativity and Cognition, Loughborough University, 1994
BAFTA Nomination for the joint collaborative DVD product Seeing Drawing, 2001
BIMA award for the joint collaborative product Seeing Drawing, 2001
Curator of Joining the Dots exhibition for the launch of Seeing Drawing, 2001
Member of THE LONDON GROUP since 2007
Fellow of the RSA since 1995
Member of ACM SIGGRAPH 1992-1995
Member of the COMPUTER ARTS SOCIETY 1992-1995