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Annabel MacIver

Painter, printmaker, sculptor, poet. The object often informs because history attaches itself, so I look at the meaning, place in time, future, and particularly, I consider the emotions attached.

The triggering of memories through the time portal of an object, is often the starting place for my current work, I look at their meaning, their place in time, their history and future and consider the emotions attached. I work across media, trying to catch the essence of each thought and creating a discussion between each piece. My main focuses are printmaking, sculpture, painting and the written word.

I started as a scientist with a particular interest in the mind, although life drawing and evening classes formed an integral part of my life throughout this phase. However, the need for more formal art education arose as I moved away from this to become a full time artist. 

I have now graduated, and given how I work, I am looking for residencies and opportunities to research and investigate situations, objects and places and to make work in response to this. I regularly enter open art exhibitions, with some success and will continue to do this, but would relish the opportunity to start work with curators and artists on a more ‘themed and collective’ basis. 

The ‘object’ may not be where I will remain; yet there remains a wealth of inspiration for me, and I will continue to challenge and push my ideas.


Awards October 2108 PURE Arts print prize; June 2018 PURE Arts emerging artist prize; July 2017 The Surrey Sculpture Prize; July 2017 The Intaglio Printmakers prize; 2016 Runner up, Blake Society Tithe Grant Award. Selected Exhibitions: 2018   Society of Women Artists Annual Exhibition, Mall Galleries, LondonResonance, Group exhib, Coningsby Gallery, London WCI, 10-15 December; PURE Arts Group annual exhibition, Battle,  6-14 October; Graduate Show, The Art Academy 5-8 July; Print Associates Exhibition, The Art Academy, May 11-13; Taylor James, London. Exhibition of works, Dec 2017 - present.   2017  The Royal Academy, Summer Exhibition, 2017; Woolwich Print Fair, Woolwich, London; Surrey Sculpture Society, Landmark Exhibition; Edges, group exhibition, Notting Hill Gate, London; Ayot St Lawrence Summer Art Show.  2016  Two Years In, Menier Gallery, London; Ayot St Lawrence Art Show.  Pre-2016  Pre-selection for Columbia Threadneedle; Ayot St Lawrence Art Show;  Chelsea Art Society, 66th Open Exhibition; Scout Hut Artists, Upstairs Gallery, BerkhamstedPrintmakers Afloat, Childwickbury Arts, St Albans; Hidden Art Group, Annual Summer Exhibitions, Whipsnade, Beds. Writing  2018  Bird, artist book of original poetry and etchings.  Commissions:  2015 The Angel Hotel, Bury St Edmunds. Work/teaching:  2017- present Print Associate, The Art Academ, London.  2006-2012        Hidden Art Group, owner, life drawing group. Education: 2014-18. Fine Art, First, The Art Academy, London.  1987-90 BSc Anatomical(Neuro) Science 2:1, Bristol University.

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