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Jo Dacombe

Artist / Artist in Imagining Woodlands, a cross discplinary project.

Jo Dacombe's interests include mapping, walking, public space, sense of place, layers of history and the power of objects. Developing from her original practice as a painter, Jo now creates work, installations and interventions through a variety of media.

From 2014-2016 Jo was Artist in Residence in the School of Archaeology and Ancient History at the University of Leicester, and an Honorary Visiting Fellow until 2018.

Jo is currently working on a collaborative project, Imagining Woodlands, a cross-disciplinary project with science, archaeology, literature and art to explore perceptions of forests and woodlands in the UK. She is also publishing contemporary art and poetry in a biannual zine, IMMINENT.

Jo often works with museums, galleries and heritage, exploring the power of objects and landscapes. She works across the East Midlands, nationally and sometimes internationally.


Microseasons: February 1, 2018

Buttercups: August 1, 2018

Fallen leaf: November 1, 2018

Pollen traps: August 2, 2018

Catching the Wind: October 1, 2018

Imagining Woodlands

Assemblage II, 2017

Assemblage I, 2017

Bone Forest

Bone Landscape

Ovis Aries Vitreus

Lustra Duo

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