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Mary Hooper

Artist using sound for public realm site-specific online and terrestrial artwork installations. I compose complex soundworks combining my recordings of oral history, field recording and research.

I am an artist working predominately with sound on projects and commissions that enage with the social and environmental status of our collective experiance, both historically and now. I use different materials and processes tailored to a specific situation or environment to create work collaborating with communities, creatives from different disciplines, scientists and historians. I use my research into the narratives of place, people, the patina of human occupation, and the geographical impact of the location on the way we live to create soundworks and installations.
I work to commission and develop self-initiated projects developing ideas through research and working with partners and groups in the community to generate the content and material for the artwork.
My driving inspiration is ‘Sense of Place’ and how this develops over time. Using material that I record, draw, and research using contemporary sources and historical archives.
I incorporate symbols, text, spoken words, and recorded sounds to create an environment, virtual and terrestrial, that provides a setting where we can interpret and distill different elements into a representation of a moment or situation that can provoke or inspire.
I also work as an artist and consultant for Arts in Healthcare, and I am founder member of Radiator Arts, a Community Arts Company based in Hastings.
I have been commissioned to make work for Hospitals, Gallery and Museum exhibitions, and created installations and performances in the South East, Southport, Leeds, Hull, Bridport, Harwich, Deptford and Eastbourne.



Mary Hooper.
Visual Artist, Sound Artist and Curator.
m: 07939645939     

W:  eliseandmary  & SOUNDCLOUD & Instagram

Short Bio:

My arts practice is site-specific, using of a wide range of materials and processes to create installations, objects, and sound-works. I often collaborate with artists from different disci- plines, writers and musicians, incorporating research into the narratives of place, people, the patina of human occupation, and the geographical impact of the location on the way we live.
I work to commission or developing self-initiated projects developing ideas through re- search and working with partners and groups in the community to generate the content and material for the artwork.
The theme that constantly fascinates me is ‘Sense of Place’ and how that develops over time. Using material that I record, draw, and research using contemporary sources and historical archives. I incorporate symbols, text, spoken words, and recorded sounds to create an environment, virtual and terrestrial, that provides a setting where we can interpret and distill different ele- ments into a representation of a moment or situation that can provoke or inspire.
I also work as an artist and consultant for Arts in Healthcare, and I am founder member of Radiator Arts, a Community Arts Company based in Hastings.
I have been commissioned to make work for Hospitals, Gallery and Museum exhibitions, and created installations and performances in the South East, Southport, Leeds, Hull, Brid- port, Harwich, Deptford and Eastbourne.

Mary Hooper Soundworks

Instagram: @ma.hooper1

Recent Practice
- Sound commissions for Blue Heart Flood engagement project for Eastbourne and Wealden ReadingWater
- Sound installations for Curious Town Dreams in Hastings
- Sound Trail commission for Rye Harbour Nature Reserve. Rye Harbour Nature Reserve
- Research and Development for Sound Trail project for DLWP and Heart of Sidley for 2023-24.
- Commission for Friends of Coombe Valley in St. Leonards to record and create Sound Trails revealing the history of the Coombe Valley Country Park and its flora and fauna. 2022. Combe Valley Biography
2019/22 Artist Residency at Chartwell, school and community workshops, design, produc- tion and installation of art public trail.


Funding Awards in 2021 & 2022 for creative practice development from AN artists informa-tion company and ACE.
- July 2020 Developing content and hosting 2 online salons for MSL Digital as part of a series of 7 salons broadcast on Hastings Isolation Station and utube. Links below

- Looking for America Ground - Pick and Unpick - Pick and Unpick
- The Great Storm of 1834
- September 2019/20 Taking part in ‘Is this for Everyone’ MSL hosted series of workshops to create an audio visual work for MSL Digital.
- June - September 2020 Developing digital practice and Sonic Art knowledge and production skills; attending 3 online Soundart and Electro-acoustic courses.
- August 2020, Commission for Coastal Currents from MSL Productions.
- Part of Artists’ collaboration for ‘Vacant Space’ in Priory Meadow led by Amanda Jobson, an AXIS funded and supported initiative.

  • February 2022 Sound art commission to create 2 history sound walks for Combe Valley Nature Park, on Soundcloud, Echoes, and Podbean

  • 2021 Commission for CREATIVE COAST ART TRAIL. Creating with volunteers an art geocache and sound-works for Fairlight Country park reflecting the history of the site.

  •  2021 sound art commission for Bexhill Night Light Festival

  • 2020 ongoing: Oral History of Hastings Fishermen - ‘Fish Tale’ as part of Intangible Cultural Heritage project for Hastings Museum and Hastings Fishermen’s Protection Soci- ety. This work in development for a 2024 major coastal education and arts project.

  •  Museum Residences:

  • UCLH collections touch and Wellbeing, 2018, Residency, Exhibition and interactive web-site

  •  Maidstone Museum, residency and exhibition

  •  Bexhill Museum, Natural History and Costume collections, residency and 2 exhibitions.


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