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Pip Woolf

Making notations in the landscape, on walls & surfaces I work alongside others taking cues from their worlds to inform my marks. Collaboration is vital to my work.

My work brings together a background in conservation and visual art. I make work in response to my local environment with and alongside community and as such regard my practice as participatory based in a socially engaged practice informed through collaborative work specifically with Larks & Ravens (an artist and psychologist group), Sparrows (an artist group) and Artistseeking Attention work with artist curator Kirstin Claxton.

Work has included drawing, film, an artists’ book Water Power, residency in the Welsh Assembly and in 2002 I was awarded a Creative Wales bursary to make “Re-presenting Wool”, work that re-emerged in Woollenline. I am particularly interested in finding a visual language for people engaged in work. Re-Presenting Wool arose in direct response to drawing sheep shearers at work: Marking a Point was an enquiry into the work of the National Assembly for Wales. My interest in the physical world is reflected in my use of materials, for example, found earth pigments and the use of elemental forces to manipulate them. This interest extends my understanding of our humanness and has led to me putting myself alongside people living with dementia to learn and grow new work whilst making exchanges of attention.


Is it grass or is it a gift from Snowdrift and her herd mates?

Care of strangers

LIfe lines

John, shattered & reflected

John ( detail)

"It'll be alright"

Common humanity

Walking together



learning to fly with Care ( detail)


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