Silke Dettmers

My practice is not tied to a specific medium. It often involves the use of manufactured objects or their re-making in a foreign material or scale. It is the mutability of objects that interests me. I enjoy the creation of paradoxes and disruption of known meanings.
Group exhibitions
- 2021 - I Didn't Lick It, Bruton Museum, Bruton
- 2021 - 10 Gram Challenge, Royal Society of Sculptors, London
- 2019 - Parallel Lines, Drawing and Sculpture, The Lightbox, Woking
- 2017 - Raw Materials: Wood, Nunnery Gallery, London
- 2015 - 20 Prints for 20 Years, Nunnery Gallery, London
- 2014 - Out of The Box, No Format Gallery, London
- 2014 - Mark Wallinger Presents, Bermondsey Project Space, London
- 2013 - Compulsion, St Clements Hospital/ Shuffle Festival, Mile End London
- 2012 - Bow Arts Open, Bermondsey Project Space, London
- 2012 - Territories, Galerie Windkracht 13, Den Helder, Netherlands
- 2011 - Signature, Hortensia Gallery, London
- 2009 - Faultline, Art in The Age of Anxiety, The Nunnery, London
- 2009 - London Artfair, London Artfair, London
- 2009 - Olympic Visions, The Nunnery, London
- 2009 - Workshop of Hereafter, Blyth Gallery, London
- 2008 - Art Projects, London Art Fair, London
- 2008 - Concrete Dreams, APT Gallery, London
- 2008 - Staff exhibition , Byam Shaw School of Art, London
- 2007 - Gallery Artists, Modern British Artists, London
- 2006 - The Wrong End of the Telescope, Three Colts Gallery, London
- 2004 - Outdoor Habitats, Museum of Domestic Design and Architecture, London
- 2004 - Presence, Houseroom Contemporary Art, Bath
- 2004 - Through The City, The Nunnery, Bow, London
- 2003 - Connections, James Hockey Gallery, Farnham
- 2003 - Location, Location, Location, Albury Arts, Guildford
- 2003 - Plakativ ist (fast) Alles, Landesmuseum, Braunschweig, Germany
- 2002 - So O2, The Nunnery, Bow, London
- 2000 - Ark 2000, Dilston Grove, Southwark, London
- 1999 - All Trussed Up and Nowhere To Go, Norwich
- 1998 - The Workhaus, Biennal, Liverpool
- 1998 - Visual Philosophies, Axis website exhibition
- 1998 - Walk the Plank, The Ship, London
- 1998 - Whitechapel Open Studio, London
- 1997 - Seek and Tell, Apt Gallery, London
- 1996 - Open Show, Cafè Gallery, London
- 1996 - Whitechapel Open Studio, London
- 1983 - European Illustration, National Theatre, London
- 1983 - The City, AOI Gallery, London
- 1976 - Norddeutsches Theatertreffen, Kunsthalle, Hamburg, Germany
- 1974 - Plakate, Landesmuseum Braunschweig, Germany
Curated projects
- 2011 - Some Books Are to Be Tasted, Warehouse Art, Bogota, Colombia
- 2010 - Some Books Are to Be Tasted, Galeria Camelot, Krakow, Poland
- 2009 - Some Books Are to Be Tasted, George Rodger Gallery, Maidstone
- 2006 - The Wrong End of the Telescope, Three Colts Gallery, London
- 2000 - Zero-G; curation of exhibition, Dilston Grove, Cafe Gallery Projects, London
- 1998 - Walk the Plank; co- curation of exhibition , The Ship, London
- 2018 - a-n News Travel Bursary (Manifesta 12, Palermo, Italy)
- 2016 - Raw Materials/ Wood, Resident Artist, Bow Arts, London
- 2011 - UCA Travel award for ‘Some Books Are to be Tasted’, Bogota, Colombia
- 2007 - UCCA Research Cluster Grant, ‘Liquid Page’ Symposium’, Tate Britain
- 2005 - AHRC Small Grant for the Creative and Performing Arts
- 1999 - London Arts Board, Medium Scale Projects, Production Award
- 1999 - Arts Council of England, Research and Development Award
- 2020 - 'Silke Dettmers', in: 'Sperryn-Jones, J., 50 Women Sculptors', 2020, London, Aurora Metro
- 2018 - 'Notes on Data and Gardens', Notes on Data and Gardens or: Is it possible to be political and still love flowers?
- 2017 - 'In Conversation: Silke Dettmers and Karen Le Roy Harris', in: 'Raw Materials : Wood' catalogue, Nunnery Gallery, Bow
- 2016 - 'The Enemies of Wonder', co-authored with Mark Sanderson, in: 'Wonder in Contemporary Art Practice', ed. I. Brown, Routledge
- 2012 - 'Blue Fence', photograph published in: 'The Art of Dissent', eds. Powell, Marrero-Guillamon, Marshgate Press
- 2012 - Artists and Books in the Digital Age, Puntos magazine, Universidad Javeriana, Bogota Colombia
- 2009 - Faultline, Art in The Age of Anxiety, exhibition catalogue
- 2008 - Catalogue 2008; London Art Fair
- 2008 - Mark Barrow Fine Art; catalogue gallery artists
- 2008 - On the Necessity of Wonder; How to Explain an Artwork to a Committee. Essay. Journal of Visual Arts Practice 7.1, online:
- 2008 - The Liquid Page; conference brochure. Editor (with Mark Sanderson)
- 2007 - Cordon Blue; The Guardian, G2. 6 photographs; interview with Andy Beckett, online:
- 2006 - The Wrong End of the Telescope; exhibition catalogue. Essay: Mark Sanderson
- 2004 - Through the City; exhibition catalogue
- 2002 - So 02; exhibition catalogue
- 2000 - Zero-; exhibition catalogue. editor. Essay: Claire Lofting
- 1998 - Kuenstler im East End; ntv Germany; broadcast 10 April 1998
- 1998 - Walk the Plank; exhibition catalogue
- 1997 - Seek and Tell; exhibition catalogue
Current: The King's Foundation Diploma Year. Previous: University for the Creative Arts, UCA. Arts University Bournemouth, AUB, University for the Arts, UAL. Kensington and Chelsea College, KCC. Havering College. Watford School of Art. Academy of Fine Arts Katowice, ASP, Poland. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogota, Colombia.
- 2013 - MRBS, member Royal British Society of Sculptors
- 2008 - The Liquid Page Symposium; conference organizer, Tate Britain, London