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Simon Fell

I make ceramics and draw. The work is oblique, figurative and associative. It evokes personal and collective 21st century paradoxes, such as what it means to be a man in a fast changing society.

I make: Oblique, figurative and associative ceramic sculpture and I run Artists Insight.

My ceramic work looks at what it means to be male in a diverse and fast evolving culture where masculine roles have changed much faster than the recurrent scripts that support them. This is my intention but I don't tackle gender politics head-on, rather it forms the backdrop to the way I make things. The themes in my work evolve over time and have included: Masculinity and its symbols; Still-lives; Hands and the Handmade; Ceramic installations; Ceramics and electric lights. I use my sculpture and drawing artworks to explore the rich complexity of being a man in the post-feminist age and being an artist in the age of multiplicity.

I draw with charcoal and related materials. Drawing is so closely allied to creative thinking in so many processes and I naturally do it all the time without necessarily making anything of it (it's a means to an end usually). Then sometimes I just do it for itself which is more problematic (What's it for? What does it mean? Why am I doing this?) but then all forms of creativity set up dilemmas and problems that demand solutions.

Artists Insight

These are talks or individual sessions or workshops about the highs and lows of being an artist. Participants can investigate what is good and what is difficult about the role of artist for each of us. The core purpose of the work is to develop the skills of reflection and listening - especially to yourself. The work is focused on the individual.


Observer with ancestors

Riot of colour

Falling Figures


Line dancing

Haze phase

Tension Retention

Float complex

Tension extension

Space exploration: Hesitation on the verge of destiny


A melodramatic tableau loosely based on H.G. Wells' 'War of the Worlds'

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