Simon Taylor

My work explores our personal connections with the natural world. The fragile ecosystem has led me to examine the essential role of trees and the micro worlds of fungi and lichen. Central to my practice is the time and space I spend connecting with nature and pausing to be present.
It is possible to view the world through the perspective of different lenses by observing the parallel lives of all things living. The roots of a tree are rarely visible but never stop searching for connections. I see this as a metaphor for our personal and collective needs.
I am a multi-disciplinary artist focused on drawing, printmaking, and lens-based practices. I visually respond to my ongoing research and conversations with field experts. For some projects, I collaborate with community groups and nature organisations.
In recent years, my work has been selected and exhibited at the RWA, Victoria Art Gallery and other commercial galleries. I am a member of Bath Artist Printmakers and an associate member of the 44AD ArtSpace.