Suzanne Cole

Concepts: Essentially my work is an exploration of the balance between conscious and less conscious processes in my practice. Notions of control and non-control, automatism, the observance of my own automatism's and habits, and repetition and rhythm in this context are the primary means through which ideas, processes and responses are transcribed and layered. Activity is organised through the construction and development of operating systems that allow for the interplay of these processes which include elements of uncertainty and intuition. Subject matter has been brought down to a conscious selection of actions and ideas balanced with less conscious actions and responses, creating a coexistence whereby one is required to maintain the other. Influences: Abstract painting, aesthetic/formal concerns, process, eastern philosophies - zen, taoism, modern and contemporary art, design, music, dance, literature. Career path: After my first degree I continued to paint, taking a variety of part-time jobs to support myself. I joined an artist-led studio/arts centre in North Yorkshire and was able to maintain my practice, exhibiting regularly as part of the studio group and independently, while taking on various roles, working primarily within art education, including community projects, and in exhibition programming and management. I returned to London in 2000 to do an MA after which I was working part time as an Exhibitions Co-ordinator whilst engaged in further research through a part-time digital fine art course. Since 2003 I have been teaching FE students and have completed additional teacher training leading to full cert. ed status in 2006. I stopped teaching completely at the end of 2023 and am now focused on my painting practice and exhibiting new work.