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A series of dull and meaningless works of art

"This is a self-reflective series of artworks by an artist who has come to terms with the fact that he doesn't possess the necessary talent to achieve great success within the arts. The only significance is his unbreakable perseverance in continuing to pursue making art. This artist is me, Jay Rechsteiner." A series of Dull & Meaningless Works of Art is on one hand my direct response to an increasingly awful artistic landscape that is filled with either art that is in my opinion the exact opposite of art or art that desperately attempts to be new but simultaneously falls into the trap of trendy art. On the other hand however it responds to my own failure as an artist as I catch myself simply standing back and observing what is happening in the world without taking any relevant actions. Instead I indulge myself in artistic projects. It seems that political and social injustice, the contineous murder of millions of people, the lies of the established mass media, environmental issues etc. don't really bother me. That is the reason why I decided to call this series 'dull and meaningless'. Note: "Some of the work might not be that dull and meaningless after all... maybe..." more info:
S8msf71pg0m2dxrpdwvl8q Jay Rechsteiner

Vienna diary

Bad Painting 177

Catholic vantage - pop, crass, badly designed uber-kitsch: conflicted intimacy 2

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