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Considering Silesia

By  Mik Godley 2016
Mik Godley’s project Considering Silesia is a painters’ exploration of Anglo-German identity, a search engine journey through internet to canvas across his mothers’ contested land, examining conflicting heritages, cultural history, displacement, migration with contemporary social and political resonances. These themes are observed in the context of our evolving relationship with the internet and accessible technologies (our digital “way of seeing”) focusing on ‘virtual expeditions’ to his mothers’ homeland and the analogue activity of painting – or on his iPad and mobile phone Begun in 2003 Considering Silesia has been exhibited from Baltimore to San Francisco, London and Zagreb, receiving significant critical acclaim.
Shapnjfkq0kxw5lgufzl0a Mik Godley

Sniezne Kotly / Schneegruben – Google Earth-scape

Stefana Okrzei, 58-300 Walbrzych, via Google Street View

iPod Nazi Flying Saucer [20121] December 2010

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