Dancer for Mhoney
- Installation Art
- Drawing and Illustration
- Craft and Design
- Personal Narratives & Identity
- Spiritual & Philosophical
- Grief Work
- Collage
- Grief
- Mixed Media
- Mourning
120cm x 120cm approx
‘Dhancer’ evolved from a series of work exploring nature as a means of belonging in the physical world and of communicating with spirit. Throughout history the grieving have looked for visitations and signs in nature that their loved one is near them, these often take the form of birds, insects and animal forms.
One of my own experiences involved a small carpenter bee who spent some time with me this summer. From a series of drawings this collaged piece took form. Initially as a large painty drawing then layered with wool, beads, inks and glitter foam. The piece is a wearable bee which can be wrapped around the body, draped or held. Imagining the bee as a host body for navigating the physical and mental world as a griever and survivor. Creating a playful wearable work allows for an ‘out of body’ experience becoming part of nature beyond my own body and imagining this space as one where I might find loved ones no longer in human form.