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David Shrigley Anti-Psychotic Blend

By  Mike Chavez-Dawson 2012 - 2013


Internationally acclaimed artist David Shrigley and Manchester based artist curator Mike Chavez-Dawson have collaborated with Teacup to create a new herbal tea. Aptly titled ‘David Shrigley’s Anti-Psychotic Tea’, it delivers an unequalled uplifting infusion of Damiana, Hibiscus, Vanilla and Bergamot. Mike Chavez-Dawson chats to David about the collaboration, and how he likes a brew. Interview: MCD: So, we’ve made bread and now tea as a curatorial extension to your show, are you happy with the blend we arrived at? DS: Yes. It’s delicious and makes me feel much less psychotic than normal. MCD: I know you like a good cuppa, what are your favorites, apart from the one we have just made? DS: Hojicha green tea cannot be beaten. But fresh peppermint is also up there. MCD: Beyond the context of ‘How Are You Feeling?’ Would you like the ‘Anti-Psychotic Tea’ to be widely available for all tea & art lovers? DS: I think they should give it to airline passengers to prevent ‘air rage’ and also to politicians. MCD: How much tea do you consume a day? DS: Green tea: 2 cups. Peppermint: 2 cups. MCD: You created a fantastic giant ceramic tea cup and skillfully nailed a rich tea biscuit to a gallery wall – is tea often on your mind? DS: Sort of. Perhaps tea is a metaphor for daily life, routine, the ordinary. MCD: Do you feel there’s a kinship between art and tea? DS: If there wasn’t before then there is now. MCD: We know there are beautifully ritualized and meditative tea ceremonies – how would a Shrigley tea ceremony go? DS: I read the instructions on the packet. Then I make the tea. MCD: When formulating the blend we went for natural uplifting flavors, and ingredients such as bergamot, vanilla and damiana. Due to unforeseen circumstances the rose petal got swapped for hibiscus, but I think this was a happy accident as it blends really well without being overpowering, thanks to the floral bitterness of the damiana. Will you experiment in the future with herbal tea blends? DS: Only with your help. MCD: Can you give an example of another happy edible accident that surprised your taste buds? DS: I got stoned once and had a banana and brown sauce sandwich. It was nice at the time. But I wouldn’t recommend it.


David Shrigley & Mike Chavez-Dawson


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